Trading Fees

Trading fees are applied during various actions related to positions on the LogX network. The types of trading fees are as follows:

  • Taker Fee:
    A fee of 5 basis points (bps) is charged to the taker of a trade. This fee is applied when a user opens or closes a position as a taker.

  • Maker Fee:
    A fee of 2 basis points (bps) is charged to the maker of a trade. This fee is applied when a user opens or closes a position as a maker.

  • Fee Application:
    Trading fees are deducted in the following scenarios:

    • Opening a Position: Fees are deducted when you open a position.
    • Closing a Position: Fees are deducted when you close a position.
    • Liquidation: If your position is liquidated, the trading fee is deducted in addition to the liquidation fee.

Bridging Fees

Bridging fees are charged when you withdraw tokens from the LogX network to any other chain. These fees are dependent on the token being withdrawn.

  • Fee Application:
    The bridging fee is specific to each token and is deducted during the withdrawal process.

Liquidation Fees

Liquidation fees are charged when a user’s position is liquidated on the LogX network.

  • Fee Structure:
    The liquidation fee is a fixed percentage of the size of the position that is liquidated. This fee is applied when the liquidation process is triggered.

  • Fee Application:
    This fee is deducted in addition to the trading fee when a position is liquidated.

These fees are essential to ensure the smooth functioning and security of the LogX network. Always consider these fees when planning your trading and withdrawal strategies.