Welcome to the Logx Network API documentation. This guide provides the information you need to interact with the Logx Network API.

Read Operations

All GET requests to the Logx Network API are made to the following endpoint:


Write Operations

All POST/DLETE requests to the Logx Network API are made to the following endpoint:



The Logx Network API uses different authentication methods depending on the endpoint. Here’s a breakdown of the authentication requirements:

  • API Key and Secret: Some endpoints require authentication using logx-key and logx-secret. You can obtain these credentials by using the /auth API endpoint.

  • Signature: Some endpoints require a combination of logx-key, logx-secret, and a signature to verify the request.

  • No Authentication: Certain endpoints are publicly accessible and do not require any authentication.

For detailed information on how to authenticate API requests, please refer to the Authentication Documentation.